about us.
Our country is struggling with deep divisions across the board. Amid the blame of and attack on those who are different – in political views, race, religion, country of origin, or sexual orientation – it is more urgent now than ever before to highlight the value we place in one another. A local, state or national campaign will seeks to shift the narrative.
Love is easier and sweeter than hate…. Jewish, Christian or Muslim, scripture is clear… we all agree on the principle called to LOVE THY NEIGHBOR – all our neighbors – without exception. Through meetings, small and large, joining this nonsectarian group and expressing our commitment to the positive attribute of love, we will spread our message with signs, stickers or buttons… we will hold job fairs, rally’s and other events that bring communities together, tearing down racial divides and focusing on common goals versus the constant onslaught of focusing on divisiveness…
in detail
The diversity of religion, race, gender, culture etc. are things that are bound to be different from person to person that you meet. Now is the time to embrace this diversity. The message to spread love and understanding are more important than ever in our day and time.
Putting humans together in any function at all involves dragging the whole person into the room, with all their positive and negative characteristics. Finding the balance and making it work is not an easy task, but when accomplished, the results are rewarding
Even if your ideas are different, it’s likely that you agree on certain key things. Don’t just focus on the differences at play: recognise that there are plenty of areas for which you have common ground too.
Even if your ideas are different, it’s likely that you agree on certain key things. Don’t just focus on the differences at play: recognise that there are plenty of areas for which you have common ground too.